(A woman enters to meet Sir Richard on his throne)
I have come from the Misty Mountain Top to meet you, sir
Richard. I have something urgent to tell you, but first I will tell you of my trials and tribulations of seeking you out.
I was sent a messenger, but his message had not been clear for there was a Communication Breakdown. The
message told me that I should be Going to California to send Sir Richard an urgent message, but I knew this
was not correct. Why would a King live in California? I decided that I must seek a higher power to find where I was truly
supposed to journey forth.
I climbed the steps of the Stairway to Heaven and once at
the top, what did I find? A woman. Yes, a Black Country Woman. A real Heartbreaker. A giant
Black Dog sat next to her. The woman then began to Ramble On about some Battle of Evermore
and how her people's Dancing Days were over. I couldn't understand much about what she was discussing
and I really didn't care. All I wanted to know was where Sir Richard lived. When she offered me a Magic Tangerine it
became apparent that she was Dazed and Confused. After far too long, she finally and truthfully told me the
way to find you.
Here is a map, she said wisely. Follow it closely! You must cross The
Ocean and seek out the Gallows Pole. From there you shall encounter a Fool in the Rain
but pay no attention to him! Follow the Four Sticks and they will lead you to the Houses of the
Holy where Sir Richard resides. That's the Way! And with a puff of smoke, she was gone before I could tell her Thank
I followed her crazy directions and here I am! Now, for what I have come
to tell you! It's a Celebration Day for you! Happy Birthday, Sir Richard! I send you wishes of a wonderful
day filled with Friendsand a Custard Pie. Here's a Whole Lotta Love from me to you. Rock
and Roll!!!
.....brought to you by Led Zeppelin. The rest brought to you by Krisy Hafford! (c)